
France new lockdown today
France new lockdown today

france new lockdown today

The measure will affect some 90,000 businesses, although the government said that shops would be looked at on a "case-by-case" basis should any "aberrations" come to light. Click-and-collect is permitted for businesses forced to clear their aisles like clothing stores, apart from those located within malls. The new rules also suspend in-person browsing in certain non-essential shops, although the exceptions have been expanded this time to include bookshops, music shops, car dealerships, hairdressers, florists and, with the Easter holiday approaching, chocolate shops. Permission slips remain required for other outings, but the 10km stroll now only necessitates identification with proof of address. But that requirement was quickly scrapped on Saturday after the Interior Ministry weathered ridicule over the baffling complexity of its two-page printable permission slip, which provided check boxes alongside no fewer than 15 authorised reasons for outings, each described in very technical language.

france new lockdown today

© Screengrab, /National institute of geographical and forestry information (IGN)Ĭastex initially announced that the same " attestation" regime would apply for those outings as it did during previous lockdowns – requiring joggers, dog-walkers and others to fill out and sign a document stating the time and reason for leaving home before each and every outing.

france new lockdown today

A 10-kilometre radius, the distance permitted for outings for sport or fresh air amid new French Covid-19 restrictions, starting from central Paris. For a sense of scale it bears noting that, from the centre of Paris, a 10km radius stretches far beyond the city limits in every direction.Ī sense of scale. The new measures also limit the freedom to take a walk or practise sport to a radius of 10km from one's home and with no time limit between 6am and 7pm, up from the one-hour/one-kilometre limit that largely characterised previous lockdowns. The Saturday cut-off for travel beyond the locked-down departments saw a 20 percent rise in expected train reservations on Friday as some endeavoured to escape while they could. The measures concern 15 contiguous departments stretching from eastern Normandy and the greater Paris area northwest to the Belgian border and to a lone southeast department, Alpes-Maritimes, which includes the city of Nice.


The restrictions imposed as of midnight from Friday to Saturday – on 16 administrative departments for four weeks – include limiting travel outside one's home department without a "compelling" or professional reason. The new rules are also less restrictive than those of the second, "light" lockdown of November and December – which never did meet Macron's stated objective of bringing registered new infections below 5,000 per day. The fresh measures, affecting 21 million people or almost a third of France's population, contrast starkly with the first French lockdown – when schools, parks and all-but-essential shops were shuttered nationwide from March 17 to May 10. The new measures bridge the gap between physical and mental health as the pandemic persists," the health minister told French daily Le Parisien. "We aren't stopping people from going outside, we are limiting gatherings indoors. Over the weekend Véran continued to walk back the term. Retrouvez toutes les informations sur la situation sanitaire et les restrictions mises en place en France sur.

france new lockdown today

#COVID19 | Les règles relatives aux attestations dérogatoires de déplacement applicables à compter de ce jour sont simplifiées et allégées.

France new lockdown today