
Voice converter online
Voice converter online

But, as a matter of fact, passive voice sentences are less clear. Due to this, several writers have a tendency to write sentences in a passive voice as their natural flow. When it comes to writing, forming passive voice sentences is relatively easier than active voice. To convert active voice to passive voice, remove “by” from the sentence and write the subject first. These simple sentences will help you understand the difference between the two voice.

  • Passive Voice: The perp was apprehended by the police in less than 5 hours.
  • Active Voice: The police caught the perp in less than five hours.
  • Passive Voice: The entire assembly line in the factory is managed by Mark.
  • Active Voice: Mark manages the entire assembly line in the factory.
  • Then, rewrite the sentence in the active form, using the appropriate verb tense. To convert a passive sentence to active, you need to identify the subject performing the action and make it the subject of the sentence. How do you convert passive voice to active voice? In active voice, all three elements are clear, but in passive voice, there is relatively less clarity. This is the clarity issue we were talking about earlier. Some passive voice sentences may not even have a subject. In a passive voice sentence, the structure of the order is:
  • The order of writing is “Subject > Verb > Object”.
  • Here's how you can structure an active voice sentence: To make sure you're on the right track, you need to use the correct past participle, object of the verb, and object of the sentence. When you're writing academic papers or blog posts, it's super important to use the right vocabulary and follow the grammatical rules to make sure that your writing is high quality and original. These tools, like the passive voice check and active voice changer, use special algorithms to analyze your sentences and suggest ways to rewrite them in the active form. But don't worry, there are some super smart people, like linguists and artificial intelligence experts, who have created some cool online tools to help you out. It can make your writing sound confusing and demonstrate weak writing skills.

    voice converter online

    One thing that can trip people up is using passive voice too much. So, the first step should be to choose between the two voices carefully and present the piece of text accordingly. In passive voice, we can avoid unnecessary repetition but at the cost of writing long sentences and risking losing the reader’s interest. However, one of the cons with active voice writing, we may need to repeat some information for the sake of making it reach out to the reader. In English writing, the correct use of passive voice and active voice, grammar, spelling, and punctuation are essential to ensure that the piece of writing is clear and understandable.ĭue to its structure and formation, an active sentence has better clarity than a passive voice sentence. In essence, the voice explains or demonstrates the relationship between the verb and its subject. The “Voice” of a sentence communicates the information about an action. What is the Purpose of Having a “Voice” in a Sentence or Content?

    voice converter online

    As you remove these two words, you will find it easier to read and understand the sentence. You can also edit the sentence by clicking on Add to Editor and making the required changes.Įssentially, in an active sentence, there is no place to use “by the” anywhere. You can add a sentence of up to 200 characters.ģ. Open the Scalenut Passive to Active Converter and paste or write the sentence you want to convert in the given column. Here’s a small tutorial on using our passive to active voice converter.ġ. You can resolve this issue with Scalenut’s passive voice to active voice converter. They also tend to extend in length, which can further complicate things. Passive voice sentences often run into clarity issues.

    voice converter online

    Due to this, your writing comes out as more authentic and trustworthy. A passive voice sentence keeps the action before the subject, but the subject (the one performing the action) is given more importance in an active voice. Using passive voice weakens the sentence structure. You can use a passive voice checker to highlight the sentences written in passive voice and change them to active voice. It is a good practice to limit the use of passive voice. That’s why almost every veteran writer and writing course emphasizes using active voice in content. Passive sentences are not wrong, grammatically, but they don’t have the same authority as a sentence written in an active voice.

    #Voice converter online how to#

    How to Use Scalenut’s Free Passive to Active Voice Converter and Improve Your Sentence Structure?

    Voice converter online